What Is History

  1. History is story of deeds and achievements of men living in societies - Henery Pirenne .
  2. History is philosophy teaching by examples - Sheik Ali .
  3. History is the knowledge of the past in the present and self knowledge of the Historians own mind as the present revival and reliving of the past experiences -Collingwood .
  4. All History is contemporary History -Croce .
  5. There is practical past from which the present has grown ,which has been influential in deciding the future of man - Oakcshott (Experience and its mode )
  6. History is what the Historian writes .-G.R.Elton (The practise of History)
  7. History is continuous process of interaction between historian and his facts ,an unending dialogue  between past and present .-E.H.Carr (What is History) .
  8. Divine providence would take care of meaning of history if he (historian) take care of facts .-Ranke
  9. Piety to the past is not for its own sake, nor for the sake of the past but for the sake of the present to secure and enriched that it will create better future - Dewy:Humane nature and conduct:An introduction of social psychology-1922.
  10. All History is the history of thought -collingwood.
  11. All past is my past and I want to recapture for my own satisfaction -Renier.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   http://gyanpradayani.com/philosophy-of-…hat-is-history


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